About Me

Hi there and welcome to my blog! /waves

My name's Rosina, I'm 20 years old and I live by the sea in rainy Brighton, England. I currently work in a hospital coffee shop, which allows me to admire a lot of cute medical students and doctors and try not to spill coffee down myself in the process. As fun as that is, my dream is to write young adult novels. I'm writing a hopefully cute love story set in the 1950's at the moment so wish me luck. I am a hardcore romance junkie and have been shipping people since I was a little'un. I'm also very interested in Psychology and am considering doing a degree in it, if only to understand my own craziness!

It's pretty obvious from the fact I have this blog that I LOVE books. When I was a child, my second home was the library and I'd drag my parents around charity shops so I could look for some bargain books. Excusing a little blip where I barely read in my teens (I think being forced to read books for school sort of dampened my enthusiasm for reading), I am now fully back on the book bandwagon and loving every second.

Why the name 'Cry Baby Reviews?' Surprise, Surprise, I am a huge cry baby and somehow end up crying during almost every book I read.

As well as reading, I love to watch tv (Glee and Community are my main loves), listen to music (feel free to add me on last.fm) play video games and nap. I must have been a cat in a past life.

If you've made it this far, well done! Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay!
